Sunday, November 28, 2004

Amber Light

While crossing roads, I don't look at pedestrian traffic lights face on - I see the lights facing the oncoming traffic. When it turns amber and I see the cars slowing down, I start crossing. Sometimes I see fellow pedestrians bewildered, looking at me crossing when the lights they see say "Don't cross." But it's simply because they don't see what I see. Likewise, we are amazed when those with clairvoyance. But all they are doing is read signs ofthe future earlier. Red lights for the cars will come after amber lights - it's just cause and effect in a way- though it can be argued that the amber lights do not exactly cause the lights to turn red. But it's programmed that way - lest there are faults in the system.


Whatever is it you plan to do, first ask yourself this - "But is it worth it, now that I'm dying?"
Is it worth your investment of time and energy? We all live as we approach an invisible finishing line - which can be closer than you think.

No Retailiation

Just deflect blows and clarify your stand. There is no need to retailiate. Then the person will know you have no intention to fight and thus can never win you. This is the way of spiritual warrior - who wins without fighting.

Good Work

Work is good
only if
you work for the good,
for the betterment of one and all.

Streaming Distraction

Discovered Yahoo Launchcast - free online streaming music which can be rated and thus tailored to your taste, with track skipping allowed. This is amazing. One's auditory sense desires can almost be fed endlessly. Pay for Launchcast Plus and you get ad-free music with unlimited skipping. Is this heavenly? Yes, but it's Samsara indeed - it doesn't get you out of Samsara. Now you can have live streaming Samsara, offering you distractions unlimited - if you are willing to pay for it.